Each home carries unique considerations from the next. Roof angles, structure orientation, latitude, climate, energy use, local power rates, and other factors affect design and system effectiveness. Moreover, energy efficiency (or lack thereof), invariably present unique considerations affecting your solar configuration. As a standard part of our service, we provide a fully complementary energy efficiency analysis to give you a snap shot of where things are working – and what might improved.
My Rates are Cheap… Solar Doesn’t Make Sense:
Because Idaho Power offers no caps on credits, you could see your solar investment completely offset by these credits. In fact, these credits, combined with federal and Idaho Only incentives, essentially pay for your system in entirety. Better, you get your system with ZERO DOWN.
The reality – you get a solar system with nothing out of pocket and, rather than pay Idaho Power forever, they pay you for your system through stunning no caps credits. And once the system is fully paid, you literally get free energy. Permanently. .
Phasellus porta, nibh quis viverra posuere, lectus dui consectetur purus, in placerat nisi orci eget dui. Fusce cursus sapien urna, at sollicitudin sapien sagittis non. Aenean suscipit scelerisque nibh at gravida. Vivamus pretium urna eu quam eleifend, eu fringilla purus rhoncus. Duis iaculis pretium fermentum. Duis at placerat lacus, non luctus dui. Nunc vel enim eu eros congue laoreet. Nunc mollis dui sed consequat cursus. Nam vel nulla mi. Duis fringilla leo blandit augue cursus iaculis.